Exchange Tether ERC20 USDT to Monobank UAH

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Exchange rate: 1 USDT = 42.5 UAH

min.: 100 USDT max.: 10000 USDT

min.: 100 USDT
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min.: 4250 UAH max.: 425000 UAH

min.: 4250 UAH

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The process of exchanging the cryptocurrency Tether ERC20 (USDT) for Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) through Monobank has become increasingly popular among users looking to make instant sales, exchanges, or withdrawals to their card. Given that Tether ERC20 is one of the most stable cryptocurrencies, utilizing it for cash exchange via a Monobank card is gaining traction. This exchange method is appealing due to its simplicity, reliability, and speed of fund transfer, offering users a secure and convenient solution for converting their crypto assets into hryvnias.

How to Convert Tether ERC20 USDT to Monobank UAH

  • Wallet Setup

    Install a reliable cryptocurrency wallet that supports Tether ERC20 (USDT) for conducting transactions.

  • Card Linking

    Link your Monobank card to the chosen cryptocurrency wallet or exchange platform that allows fund withdrawals to a card.

  • USDT to UAH Exchange

    Utilize the wallet’s or exchange’s conversion feature to exchange USDT for UAH according to the current exchange rate.

  • Withdrawing Funds

    Select the withdrawal method to your Monobank card from the options provided after conversion.

  • Transaction Monitoring

    Monitor the transaction status through Monobank notifications or SMS to confirm the funds have been credited.

  • Utilizing Funds

    Once the funds are credited to your Monobank card, you can utilize them as needed.

Easy-Changer Exchange Security

The Easy-Changer currency exchange service places paramount importance on the security of online transactions and the protection of user information. Leveraging advanced technological solutions and stringent user verification processes, the platform aims to minimize risk and foster trust amongst its users. Data transmission on the site is encrypted with an SSL certificate, ensuring confidentiality and protection against unauthorized third-party access. Additionally, Easy-Changer implements sophisticated transaction monitoring algorithms designed to detect and prevent suspicious activities early on. To learn more about the security measures in place, please visit our page on (Easy-Changer Security). Our goal is to maintain the highest level of security for your online banking and transactions.


  • What percentage of commission is charged for the operation of exchanging Tether ERC20 USDT to Hryvnia when withdrawing to Monobank UAH?

    The commission fee for withdrawing Tether ERC20 USDT to Monobank UAH may vary depending on the exchange service used. It is advised to check the current commission rates directly on the website of the chosen exchange service or in your Monobank app for the most accurate information.

  • Is there a minimum or maximum amount for withdrawing Tether ERC20 USDT to Monobank UAH?

    Yes, most exchange services or banking institutions set minimum and maximum limits for transactions. These limits can change, so you should verify the most current information on the official websites of exchange services or with Monobank.

  • How long does the process of withdrawing funds to Monobank UAH usually take after the exchange operation is completed?

    The processing time for a transaction can vary. It usually takes from a few minutes to several hours. The exact time depends on the exchange service and the current network load.

  • What Monobank UAH details are required to carry out the operation of withdrawing Tether ERC20 USDT?

    To withdraw funds to Monobank UAH, you typically need to provide your account number in Monobank or your card number. It is important to ensure that all details are entered correctly.

  • What happens if the exchange rate of Tether ERC20 USDT changes before the completion of the withdrawal operation to Monobank UAH?

    If the exchange rate changes during the transaction, the amount you receive may vary depending on the terms of the chosen exchange service. Some services lock in the rate at the time the order is created, while others may recalculate the amount at the current rate at the time the transaction is completed.

27/02/2023, 19:10
Отличный быстрый обменник,надо присмотреться. Отдельное спасибо тех поддержки!
Андрей П.,
22/02/2023, 19:25
Молодцы! Поменяли быстро и по хорошему курсу. Спасибо!
Виктор Вран,
21/02/2023, 19:26
Все ровно. Ребята спасибо!